An Endearing Beam

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Special Turn..

This joyous moment comes every year but not always you turn 21, not always you get wished by so many people, not always you think so hard to make things better on a new course and so the turn i've just made is especial in many more senses than mentioned above.

This 21 mark gives you all the authority to do watever possible in a legal fashion but that's of meager significance as there were never any reins to put hold on me. What makes it substantial is that it's time the feeling of seriousness, sincerity and responsibility towards life and it's every moment should start sneaking in my corpuscles. I pondered a lot over it the other day and confirmed that it's not a momentary transformation but it's something which will take form with time. But the point is when you contemplate deep on a subject, you are entitled to soak up a part of it and this feeling to take things responsibly is sorely missing in my beautiful mind :D and i crave to attach it fast with this soul.

For a change let me tell you about how the day passed. I was catching a nap at 12 midnight, 25th june when my cellphone rang and it was a delight as my mom n dad wished me for first time in the very first hour of this long day then my sis then friends and then a tight matchup between argentina n mexico then long sleep, woke up in the morning by 11 somehow :D, had the orders ready to visit the temple, followed it religiously and had the best meeting of recent times with almighty. I tried to hv a slight brush with net, orkut, mails. Then with friends, I just kept roaming here n there to get a flat for a friend in the most enjoyable weather of this season, ended up at atta market then pizza hut at nite n then bak to home to view my underpinned team's encounter at world cup. Then loads of mulling over God n my life and an ideal finish to an important day.

The way your life shapes up is very much decided by you, you do good n u get good in turn always, you work hard n u recieve rewards in turn always, you do for urself and ur life will get better, u do for others and ur life will serve it's purpose and this very name will get etched in all minds forever. I am gonna start working on this inscribe and though it's grueling but I will complete this impression one day.


Monday, June 12, 2006

My New Workplace

My stars must have been glowing bright when i decided to make a job shift and landed up here at Outworx in Noida. I think like tht now but u know feelings/views of mine possess an uncanny propensity to change very frequently :P.
It's a small company, with around 100 employees, having 10-12 projects. I am loving this place, colleagues and above all my project which is related to Internet Securities kinda thing, what i was always fond of. We all r writing blogs daily, using messenger, mails, important transfers through this virtual wire and i am enchanted with the idea to secure this transmission and in turn to break this transfer.
This place, Noida, makes me feel at home which is one more prime reason behind my soft, sweet feelings to this workplace. People here r really gud n helping and I've got some new, interesting friends. My project manager is a gem of a person, one cant stop laughing in his company, he is confident, knowledgeable and the best thing is he makes me work when required and he lets me do anything - play, chat, mail if there is no work :D. Cool team members, sensible n logical people, a lovely HR team and few young buds as trainees - wat more one can ask for :D.
The downside i can think of is like things here are less organized but that is a boon for wanderers like me. So in short i m enjoying my stay here and i'll try hard to make this stay long, productive and profitable to both - me n my company.


Saturday, June 10, 2006

World Cup Soccer

Huh, finally the moment arrived..the moment millions of soccer lovers were eagerly waiting for, the moment 32 nations and hundreds of luminaries will start fighting for glory. The event no doubt is the most awaited, lustrous and phenomenal in every sense.
So many teams contending for title, so many players combating hard for their nation though we all know tht only one will go down in history. Lets wait with bated-breath which teams survives all the challenges and which player carves out his place in history.
The number of fans this sport attracts is certainly astounding and when it comes to world cup, even a stranger with football is ready to kick off. The glam quotient attached with this sport is really a major boost behind this popularity.
As a neutral viewer, I always support Brazil and Ronaldinho as the winners coming out of the maze as this team certainly spells a magic while playing in world cups and this man Ronaldinho, i believe he is among the best footballers of all-time, his mettle knows no bounds, he is a magician.
Soccer is a religion in this poor country and it's in their blood and it's the only thing they are proud of. But but but my intuitions says and the portents are strong showing the door of heaven to England. So my bet is on England going all the way this time.
Whoever wins whoever loses, this is a high time to get some serious entertainment, enjoy it, feel it, love it. These kinda events r indirectly an attempt to bring the world closer. So just hold your seats tight and imbibe every delight on offer.
May the best team win!!


Monday, June 05, 2006


This is my first blog, so bear with me till I learn the subtleties of this art but I promise to catch up soon. I sincerely invite suggestions, comments to improve the quality and content of my blogs.

Starting with my webpage name, I kept it as I love living in my imaginary world which I am destined to develop/narrate with time and this page is surely gonna help me reach there. The ethereal objects I wish to project on this firmament will take absolute shape for sure and that day will be the happiest day of my life.

Now as far as my blog-title relevance is concerned, it's less complicated as it's the meaning of my first name "PRIYANSHU". I am an ardent admirer of my name which means a lovely ray, an endearing beam, a ray of hope/pleasure et. al.

I know your patience is running out but thanks to you if you are still here. I wont make it long as I want to make it sweet n concise atleast the first one :d.

Have a nice day :)
